Sunday 26 October 2014

A heaven on earth: Masai Mara

Always wondered if there is one place on earth gives a hope for life, purity, serenity, and peace. And now, I know there is, Masai Mara. Not because it is home for the Big Five or famous for safari. For me, Masai Mara represents simplicity and serenity. I was fortunate and privileged enough to experience this amazing place. Not only I saw endangered animals and so many creatures in their home, I was able even walk among rhinos, touch the soil, sit with Masai children and have a cup of tea in their barely hand made home.

I was amazed to see the lion cubs that tugged into their moms, or baby elephants hiding behind their moms, or hyenas just laying there waiting for next meal to come. I was motionless when I saw rhinos up so close to me. They did not even bothered by humans, just going with their business, how can I blame them...Were not we the one who invades their privacy?

If only I wish I can just sit there and listen, listen to silence...

How can I forget Masai children, their barefoot touching the soil, just running after simple stick, their laughter was filling the air. They were so careless and happy. Is it because the way they live, just simple way of life, without anything we all so depend on...I wonder if that was the reason they we're so welcoming and generous to strangers like us? They opened their homes, welcomed us in, hugged me and my children with such a warmth that I barely hold my tears, their elders were sitting around the kids with a big smile towards us. How much it made me humbled...

Thank you Kenya for giving me this lifelong experince, thank you...

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