Tuesday 28 October 2014

Dining at Carnivore

My brother came over a month ago, like in ever visit, we made a list of things to do. We were just joking each other few days back how successfully we checked all the items on our kitchen calendar.  At lne point we were running from ine place to another, exhausted of too much socializing! That things to do list also included dining at certain places, one of them was famous Carnivore. If it was not for my brother, I probably would never dine there! Not because it is not a good restaurant, the only problem is you just have to be a meat lover! I can go without eating meat for weeks, and it will never come to my mind.

So on his final week, we went there on Friday evening. By the way have I mentioned, Carnivore is one of the touristic destination in Nairobi! I even see it in travel agency list! That I call a great marketing! 

Carnivore is famous with its Acrican style barbeque, unique and famous with ostrich and crocodile meat. It is almost like a Brazilian barbeque where you 'Surrounder the flag' when you can no more eat meat!!!! Once diners are ready, locally dressed waiters start bringing all types of meat, from pork to crocodile to ostrich to turkey. My brother and my husband tasted anything came in front of them, after some point I had to tell them to take a break! I cannot tell much about the food, But they told me ostrich meatball was good along with pork ribs,  some of them were ok. Not surprisingly, I had to dine on fajita, and it was ok which was expected. You do not eat Mexican in African barbeque!!!!

I have been there twice, and both occasions Carnivore was fully booked with tourists, locals and expats. So if you plan to go on a Friday or Saturday, make sure to have a reservation. Try to sit outside, indoor dining area is too noisy and a bit of smelly! By the way outdoor dining has a strange sound coming from frogs, seriously at one point it was non stop! Music on the background did not go well with the ambiance, I wish they were playing an African music, it would definitely make it more authentic. Price was it was in the middle, not too pricey or cheap.

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