Friday 10 October 2014

Baboons are making their way!

After months of break I took my brother to Masai Market on Thursday, but since I have written more than enough about this lovely open air shopping festival I won't be covering it again:) But let me mention, vendors added new items, this is one creative place! I again got tempted and bought few more items and made a list of what to buy in my next trip:)

On the way to Junction all of a sudden traffic has stopped! Mike and I were trying to figure out what was going on, and all of sudden we noticed there were somewhere around 20 baboons crossing the road in a slow motion and funny enough they all looked so careless. Could it be because we were in their home...New Ngong Road was a forest only six months ago, and sadly this was their home...

I still did not get use to this scene and had a big grin on my face, shocked and puzzled, did not know what to do! I almost dropped my phone on the road while I was trying to take pictures. There were even moms carrying their little ones! Where on earth you wait in the traffic to give your way to monkeys...

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