Sunday 26 October 2014

Driving or flying to Masai Mara?

Driving or flying, it was a long discussion between me and my husband. Having children always make me think twice before we make a final decision, especially if it is about driving with kids for hours!!! So after reading number of blogs and searching on internet, we decided on flying to Masai Mara via Wilson Airport. Getting to plane via Wilson is much easier than Jomo Kenyatta. Lanes move pretty quickly, since most of the travel agencies book their flight via Wilson, it runs very affectively by the airport workers.

 Obviously flying costs three times more than driving, but it was all worth it! Not only it was a a short trip but it was also fun and kind a adventures. It was the best decision ever, my children had so much fun, as much as I hate to fly, I must admit, I did too:)

Masai Mara planes are old, reminding me old glamorous Hollywood movies. Inside is noisy, you sit right behind the pilot, you get to pass the candies pilots offer:) and comparing with commercial planes it kinda flies low that you can spot the homes even the animals:)

The fun part is, it is also like a bus, once in Mara, plane stops and drops off passengers for surrounding lodges, and then it takes off until it arrives to the next one! Passengers get to pick and take and carry their own luggage's! The runway is made out of sand and it is so short that to take off, plane has to turn around! Planes barely land in the wild, zebras and  monkeys welcoming it, with a look that tells you they are so used to this scene, they don't even make a move!

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