Saturday 6 September 2014

Developed fear of flying!

It's been long time coming, knew it! Finally I have developed a fear of flying! With each and every flying experience my scare is getting worse, cannot help it! I try every relaxing method out there, breathing technics, trying to think something else (all I think of my fear and anxiety!!), watching a movie (cannot even pay attention, in my last trip I watched four movies and cannot remember which movies I watched!!!), playing sudoku and freecell! (I always loose), reading a book (all of a sudden I became illiterate!).

My fear gets worse if I see other traveller's scared faces, they do not say anything but we have something in common, feeling is out there! And than, there are kids scream or cry, sometimes I wish I was one of them, at least I could take my stress out by screaming!

Turbulence, how can I forget it! Once I read planes never crash because of turbulence, but tell that to me! During the flight I find myself counting how many turbulence there are and just anxiously wait for captain's next announcement!

Worst thing is, I try so hard to hide this from my children. During our last trip, my daughter said 'don't worry mom, it will be over soon, just think about something else!'  I guess I am not successful with hiding stuff from my kids! When I travel with my husband at least I have someone to lean on, well, he sleeps when plane takes off and wakes up when it lands! Ooh, such a support!

We all know the statistics, there are twice to three times more car accidents than plane accidents, but still this does not help when I am up on the air!

The funny thing is, the more my fear gets worse, the more I have to fly! Cannot wait for my next air trip!

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