Sunday 6 July 2014


We have safely arrived Istanbul Friday morning. But let me tell you, it was one of the longest flight I have had so far!! Not because it is 6hrs of direct flight, which is great, (comparing with other flights I had to take when we were living in US, this is nothing), except that if you are sick! Is not it perfect timing, being sick right before a long plane trip with two children! I had this horrible cold, lost my voice, and on top of that horrible sinus headache! Whoever had sinus problem knows what I am talking about! I was on ibuprofen throughout the flight, taking cough tablets, and holding my sneeze as much as I can!!! Really,  I hate the idea of sitting in a plane and there are people sneeze or cough around! Here is 'another example of 'talking big'! So I was one of these people, who had a cold and cough!!

There was a terrible turbulence during the flight, Thanks God my kids were sleeping! I would never want them to see me like that! Here is a confession, I am never fan of flying! It really makes me nervous, I cannot help it! There were non stop turbulence throughout the flight, I could not even watch a movie, I just sat there frozen! Besides we had a terrible landing. At one point during that 10 seconds I thought 'Is this it?' How can a plane shakes and tumbles like that, from left to right! My children thought they were on a roller coaster! They loved it! Sometimes how much I wish to be a child too...

After we stepped outside of our plane, I almost kissed the ground! Took a deep breath and got on to our shuttle and had a big smile after I saw 'Welcome to Istanbul' sign:)

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