Tuesday 6 May 2014


I wanted to write about motherhood and my thoughts on that. So much to share and tell on this subject, imagine there are millions of book out there. My plan is to talk and share about me being a mom of two children. 

Motherhood is one of the greatest thing a human can achieve in life. And I strongly believe, there is no empowering feeling stronger than that. It is that simple! 

After living a single life and four years of marriage with no kids, 'the clock started to tick for me'!  if you want to have a child, after certain age time does not work on your side:) Since we have never imagined ourselves without a child in our marriage, it was time for us.

During my first pregnancy, we were living in Washington, DC. I got many friends coming from different background, and they had one thing in common! they told me same stories about having kids, and there I developed a scare, a real one!  I did not have much support mechanism, my parents were living thousands miles away, so was my sister! I was working fulltime and counting the days to become a mom! Whoever became  mom or pregnant now heard all these horrific stories, and I think it is a global scare!!! Here is the list I heard from my friends and family members, let me warn you none of them are good! I wonder why?!

- After you become a mom, your life is going to change!
- Do not expect to sit at the table and have a nice dinner!
- Forget about a good sleep!
- Breastfeeding, no way, it is so painful!
- Worst is "Terrible 2, 3..." keep counting!
- Are you going to stop working??
- Stay home mom? That's terrible.
- You should start look for a nanny!
- This is nothing just wait for time that they talk back to you

List can go on and on...But I really want to stop here:)

Believe it or not until that moment I've never paid attention kids in the malls who were screaming, yelling, throwing themselves from one place to another, or moms just buying anything they want just to make them stop screaming! Or babies with nannies spending time in the malls! Or moms who are driving their kids around just to put them to a sleep!!!They were never in my horizon! I saw them but I never see them, probably you know what I mean. Then one day, I started to really see what was going around me!!!! I thought "is this it? is this what's waiting for me few months ahead!!!" I was horrified!

 After my daughter was born, I forgot all about it in one second! Totally focused on this amazing experience. But day after day, once the hoopla was ended, I stared to realise, some of the things I heard became reality of my daily life! Like no sleep, a decision to be a stay home mom without a nanny, and by the way have I mentioned non stop breastfeeding! (During those days, people said 'you will forget, and will not remember these in the future!, that's not right by the way!)  I do still remember!!!'. But somehow, there is this huge power and a strong feeling makes your day go through. And every new day is a new challenge, and right, my life was changed, it was never like the old days anymore...

Mothers do what's right for them, my motherhood was never by the book, or what's been told me to do, or trendy ever changing technics. Of course I read books, search internet, and listen experienced people and get their advice, luckily I also have a older sister who I can always trust and lean on (have I mentioned she is Psychiatrist and Professor:)). But at the end of the day, I still choose what is natural, and right for me and for us as a family.

Today, I am mother of two health and happy children, ageing three and eight.

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