Tuesday 8 April 2014

Cooking Extravaganza!

When we have quests, (I believe this is all common in any culture) we cook and eat!

I grow up in a home where kitchen was always busy, delicious smell always covered the air, and I think it is one of the reasonsI look forward to going home:) When I think about my childhood, my mom comes in the picture, where she cooks apple pie, bakes Turkish pastries, makes home made yogurt or pancakes in her tiny modest kitchen. Not much of a surprise she still does, in a much fancy kitchen though:). Since she had three children and being used to cook in big portions, whenever I go my parents house, I still find refrigerator full of home made dishes! And she always complains of not being able to cook less:)

Last week my in-laws came, and she is a great cook! After my mom though! (in case she reads this blog:)) Anyway, right after they arrived, she wanted to cook, honestly I did not stop her, wonder why! Since both of my kids have big appetite and are being used to eat anything (tnx to moving around all the time!) she cooked delicious Turkish dishes. Today we made 'mantı' (pronounced mun.tuh) a dish made with flour and meat, very close to Italian Ravioli, but with many difference. Now, I have one full freezer! definitely can feed an army!

No matter where we live, food is number one thing I miss the most! Even though I love eating different cuisines, and try to be open minded as much as possible, I still favor Turkish food:)

For almost ten years now, I am using local produce (and found a great place in Karen where I buy seasonal veggies and fruits, will share it with you:)), if possible organic products but without going overboard, and lots of fish.

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